Serial animal rapists seeks chemical castration

Saturday, September 23, 2017 6:33 AM

Serial Animal Rapist asks for chemical castration

September 15, 2017

Michael Bessigano of Hobart, Indiana, probably has the most extensive record for bestiality in the world. His preferred animal is chickens, although he's also been known to molest geese and dogs. He was first arrested in 1991, in January for sexually molesting his neighbor's geese, and in December for molesting chickens. In both cases, the birds were found dead. He has been arrested and released at least seven more times since then.

 Bessigano has been institutionalized repeatedly, but each time he has not been able to control his impulses. Although there's no formal diagnosis, it's possible he has a sex addiction. But like many addictive or other mental health issues, the only effective treatment is abstention.

Bessigano is now scheduled for release again, and has asked the court to consider him for chemical castration. The judge has ordered a second hearing to discuss the matter. [Read More]