Aimal Brothels: Real or Not?

Friday, December 29, 2017 9:21 AM

by M Jenny Edwards

As the Russian proverb says, Доверяй, но проверяй -  “trust, but verify”. Over the years, there have been a few reports of “animal brothels” - places where paying customers can go to have sex with an animal. There is virtually no proof that animal brothels exist, but online posts about such activity persist.


In 2012, a poll of German voters indicated that at least 93,000 of them would vote to scrap 1969 legislation that decriminalized bestiality. 

In early 2012, a German animal protection officer made a statement to the press that she thought animal sex abuse was on the rise in Germany, and that animal sex brothels were "being set up across the country.”  Until 1969 bestiality was illegal in Germany, but during a reform of laws that year, a specific prohibition against animal sex abuse was not included.  It's unclear how many actual cases have happened since 1969 (or before for that matter), so it's not "good science" to say that the problem is on the rise without data to back that up.